how you can help

We need good people!

OCF is interested in involving individuals and groups in getting to know the populations that we serve and work with.

Do you have a skill and want to volunteer using your skill?

Do you play a sport or a musical instrument and want to share with others?

Do you have some free time when in Israel or want to plan some special event in advance of coming to Israel - contact us and let's discuss how you can help

How can you help

YES! You can make children happy!

You can make a donation using
method from below:

Payment by cheque

By Mail in the UK:
British Freinds of Or Chadash,
c/o RCP Group Ltd. Suite 2,
De Walden Court,
85 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6XD

By mail Israel:
Keren Or Chadash
P.O.Box: 43160
Jerusalem 9143101

Bank transfer in the UK:

Made payable to: British Friends of Or Chadash,
Charity number: 1002594
Bank details: British Friends of Or Chadash,
Bank: Natwest,
Address: Great Portland street,
Sort Code: 60-09-15,
Acc Number: 04589831

Bank Transfer in Israel:

Bank name: Leumi Bank
Account name: Keren Or Chadash
Branch number: 905
Account number: 61770049
IBAN: IL510109050000061770049
Branch address: 15 Paran Street, Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem

Bank Transfer in US:

Or Chadash Foundation Bank details
Keren Or Chadash Inc.
(Tax ID) EIN number: 83-1217540

Bank name: JPMorgan Chase Bank
Bank Address: 1101 Avenue J Brooklyn NY 11230 USA
Account name: Keren Or Chadash
Account Address: 1417 Coney Island venue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn NY 11230
Account number: 311058173
Routing: 021000021

GBP Currency

USD Currency

How else can you help

Gifts in kind

The children in the projects funded by OCF come from the underprivileged sections of Israeli society in the Sharon area of Israel. As such there is a continual shortage for basic items - clothing, toys and games, reading materials, educational items. If you are able to provide a quantity of any of these items, then give us a call and let's discuss how we can assist these children to have the basic items that all kids need.


Would you like to dedicate a project to a loved one? Or perhaps a parent? Or in memory of a close friend? OCF has a range of projects available for dedication to individuals. Give us a call to discuss further and make your dedication to one of the needy causes that OCF is supporting.


The projects being funded by OCF do not have the resources available to provide the necessary equipment required. As such OCF is continually looking for donations of various types of equipment - computers and musical equipment for schools; toys and games for kindergartens; specialized equipment for special needs programs. If you can provide this assistance, give us a call and let's discuss further. You help is greatly appreciated.

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